
private dog training

We Offer Professional Dog Training in Waco, Temple TX, and Online Dog Training.

At Species K9 Dog Training Waco, we take a scientific, whole-dog approach to dog training. Through the use of classical and operant conditioning, which breaks down into 3 phases. Dog training is wholly based on science, not conjecture or opinions.  We get to the root problem of dog behaviors and humanely address them. Counter to the purely positive dog trainers, counterconditioning does not surprise behaviors to effect change. Purely bribing your dog with treats and toys masks the real problems. With years of studying dog training, dog behavior, and ABA (applied behavior analysis), at the end of training your dog will reliably respond in a variety of situations. Foundation Style Dog Training works because it is rooted in science. To discuss more call us at 254-803-0537. To learn more click here

Texas K9 Solutions

We do not charge more for behavioral issues.

Obedience and Behavioral Issues.

Obedience gives you verbal control over your dog in a wide variety of circumstances. Deconditioning is a technique in behavior therapy in which learned responses, such as dog reactivity, are “unlearned” (deconditioned). For example, a dog with dog aggression reacts to seeing another dog can be deconditioned to stop reacting when seeing a dog and learn that it will be rewarded for not reacting.

With a little work, your dog will respond to your voice commands and will be a true joy to be around. Please take a look at some of our dog training videos. The three commands I get asked to work on the most are Place, Heel, and Leave it. These three dog training commands give owners a lot of control over their dog’s actions in a variety of situations.

The majority of my clients find me after experiencing failure with other trainers. If you have tried other trainers and they failed you, give us a call. We specialize in addressing issues caused by poor training. Mastering dog obedience training isn’t complex – a little insight yields excellent results. We’re here to assist. We systematically build upon foundations through Foundation Style Dog Training to help you achieve your training goals. At no point in training should your dog be stressed or not enjoy training. 

Group Dog Training
Dog Training Waco
Dog Training Temple TX

Meet the Heart and Mind Behind Species K9 Dog Training

Jared McIntyre: A Lifelong Passion for Dogs, Rooted in Science and Mentorship

Welcome to Species K9 Dog Training, located in central Texas. I am Jared McIntyre, the owner and founder of Species K9 Training; I live in Hewitt with my fiancé and child. I currently have 5 dogs; I train my client’s dogs the same way I train mine. Step-by-step in a humane, LIMA-focused approach using training styles rooted in science following operant conditioning and ABA.  My love for animals began when I was a young boy. My first memories are of playtime with my two childhood dogs, Cinnamon and Sugar, brother and sister Brittany Springer Spaniels. I dreamt of working with dogs, training them and their human companions. No dog is untrainable.
I was personally mentored by one of the world’s best dog trainers, Mike D’Abruzzo, owner and founder of K9-1 Specialized Dog Training (Foundation Style Dog Training) and DogTraining.World His passion and dedication to improving the lives of dogs and their owners is a lifelong obsession. He no longer solely trains dogs but educates trainers. With his desire to standardize dog training and end abuse in dog training, he created Foundation Style Dog Training. I am honored to have received training from him and it is a pleasure to call him my friend. Thank you, Mike, for changing the lives of so many dogs, and for changing mine as well. Due to Mike’s success in dog training, I am here to offer Foundation Style Dog Training to Central Texas.  When you are looking for dog training in Temple, Waco, or the surrounding areas you have come to the right place. 

A Serious Commitment to Your Dog's Well-being

Discover Our Science-Based Approach To Dog Training Near Me

My approach is scientifically based and backed by years of animal behavior studies and decades of working with dogs. I do not take dog training lightly. I know that this may be your last hope before surrendering your dog or putting it down. Therefore, I take this responsibility seriously. You can book a consultation where we discuss in detail our approach, the science behind it, and how the training works, drive balance and understand why your dog is doing what it does. The nature and meaning behind dominance and leadership within a canine pack structure. All to achieve true obedience and an amazing relationship with your dog.
In-home training, private and virtual training sessions are available. In-home dog training is available in Waco & Temple, Texas, and surrounding areas. Watch phase 1 dog training session video! to experience an in-depth look into a typical dog training session. We move at the pace of you and your dog I will not skip step or rush training. This create side-effects and delays the training process.

Custom training plans, behavioral assessments, basic, advanced, and off-leash obedience.

Best Dog Training in Waco

Scientific Approach

At Species K9 Training, we train all dogs with a proven scientific approach, using both classical and operant conditioning. We focus on positive reinforcement, rewarding with treats, play, and praise. We first must understand where dogs came from and the blueprint of their design. In doing so, we will better understand the reason why a dog behaves in such a manner. We always follow the Least Intrusive Minimally Invasive (LIMA) approach. Learn More

Real World Dog Training

Have you ever wondered why TV dog trainers preface the show with the disclaimer, “Do not try this at home"? If a trainer cannot teach you how to do the training, it is not real and will never work in a real-world scenario. FSTD was developed using science and psychology and then tested in the real world to provide real-world dog training results. Reach out if you are looking for dog training near me. Technology allows us to help many more dog owners.

Aggression Dog Training

Do you have a fearful, dominant aggressive, territorial aggressive, resource guarding, or prey aggressive dog? Can you tell the difference? What kind of dog training is available? That is exactly what I provide. Contact me to discuss your dog’s situation. In answer, yes, all can be managed and controlled. Anyone who says they can "rehab" aggression does not understand aggression or the meaning of rehabilitation.

Our Approch

Each dog training lesson is broken down into micro lessons to set you and your dog up for success every time you train. You will be provided with a detailed checklist, so that, together, we can track your dog's training progress. Video tutorials will aid in your training at home and you will directly communicate with us. Your dog should never feel stressed or show calming signs in training. When you end a session, you and your dog should feel like you had fun and learned together. During each session, you will see progress from the previous session. Each lesson builds on the prior dog training lesson.

Protection from Abuse

Anyone can cause a dog enough stress to make it comply, but that is not humane or genuine training. The dog did not learn a lesson, it experienced abuse. Abuse and mistreatment of a dog are not tolerated at Species K9. How can someone say they love dogs and then physically abuse them in the name of training? Sadly, it happens every day behind closed doors. Learned helplessness is real. When corrections are not predictable and fair, a dog can shut down. This was proven by American psychologists, Martin Seligman and Steven Maier, in 1967. Learn More

Dog training command structure
Operant conditioning in Dog Training

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