
Speciesk9 dog training

Phase 3 - True Dog Obedience Training

Escape Conditioning, Condition Punisher & Avoidance Conditioning

Phase 3 Escape Conditioning

In the third Phase, it all comes together with true dog obedience training. Here we introduce the E-Collar. In escape conditioning, we pair the e-collar (something the dog does not know yet) with the training collar it does know. Here the dog learns how to escape the correction. Only then can you use a training tool like the e-collar. We want to use the least amount of corrections possible in dog training.  

Once the dog learns what the pulsing means and how to escape it; can we use this tool effectively in true dog obedience during off-leash training around higher distractors. 

The video on the right shows how it all comes together, Taliana is working under a highly aroused state but still following commands. The command structure of Name—Command—Reward has taught her to listen for her name and follow the command no matter what. 


Dog training command structure

Phase 3 Avoidance Conditioning

Just like in 2nd Phase, we are teaching the dog how to avoid a correction by using the word No. No is a safe word we never correct a dog on No. No lets the dog know they did not do the command correctly and need to try again. We have to be fair and predictable for dogs to trust us and not be afraid to make a mistake. When a dog fears making a mistake for fear of being punished they break down, shut down and disconnect. As long as the dog is trying they are engaged and just need a little help.

True dog obedience training, is about your dog responding to the command no matter what is happening around them.  We call this competing motivators.  Your dogs willingness obey the command vs. what it was doing.  You can only get this level of obedience with operant conditioning and a true understanding of dog behavior.  Learning takes time, patients and understanding.  Nothing happens overnight a dog learning and understanding what is being asked of them takes time. Call or message me to explore more about our dog obedience training in Waco, Tx