
Speciesk9 dog training

Service Dog Training in Waco

Empowering Your Independence

Service Dog Training Waco

Service Dog Training in Waco, where dog service certification lacks regulatory oversight, anyone can claim to train them. The ADA Service Dog Certification on their website even says does not have to go through any training or have a certification. If you have a special need for have a service dog and are looking to have a dog assist you with your daily living. Please reach out to us so we can discuss your needs and what can be expected. In addition to the service side of training, the dog has to be fully obedience trained as well. Most service dogs are selectively bred for the ideal traits to be a service dog.

private dog training cost


We offer the following:

Psychiatric (PTSD, Depression, and Other Mental Health Issues)
Custom training

Service, ESA, and Therapy Support

Empowering Handlers with K9 Training

We also offer training ESA dogs and Therapy K9s Species K9 Training wants to help Empower Handlers and owners. If you have a need we want to support you. Our founder Jared Mc Intyre worked for years with special needs children and has seen firsthand how a service dog could help so many.

Let’s be very clear when it comes to a service dog or emotional support dog, not all dogs will make good service dogs. There are breeders that selectively breed for traits that make a good service dog. We are happy to help you find and screen a breeder to find the right dog for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

A service dog is a specially trained canine that assists individuals with disabilities in performing tasks related to their disability. These tasks can include guiding individuals who are visually impaired, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to sounds, and providing physical assistance to individuals with mobility impairments.

Service dogs can assist individuals with a wide range of disabilities, including but not limited to physical disabilities, sensory disabilities (such as blindness or deafness), psychiatric disabilities (such as PTSD or anxiety disorders), and medical conditions (such as diabetes or epilepsy).

Service dogs undergo extensive training to learn specific tasks that will assist their handler. This training typically includes obedience training, and task-specific training tailored to the handler’s needs, socialization to various environments and stimuli, and public access training to ensure the dog can behave appropriately in public settings.