
Speciesk9 dog training

Dog Training Consultation in Waco

Dog training in Waco consultations is currently FREE. I will give a lot of information during our first meeting; you get more than just a meet and greet with Jared. There is homework that needs to be done before we meet via video chat. Consultations can take up to 3 hours. If you wish to book a consultation please feel free to contact me to do so.  I look forward to meeting you and your dog(s). During the consultation, we discuss your dog training goals and the principles of Foundation Style Dog Training. We will discuss drive balance, dominance, leadership, causes of behaviors, and much more. If you decide to move forward with training we will set so goals and get a training plan in place. Book your appointment today. I take dog training seriously, how your dog is trained can mean the difference between having a loving companion or a living nightmare resulting in human injury and your dog being put down. We excel in addressing aggression, and behavioral challenges, and resolving issues caused by previous trainers’ methods in our dog behavioral consultations.

What to expect in your consultation. First, we will go over the intake form you filled out prior to our meeting. Next, we discuss your dog(s) breed, traits, and expectations of your dog. We will discuss as detailed as you wish the ethology of dogs and domestication. This helps us understand why your dog does different behaviors and why and how they communicate with us (we must learn how to speak dog). We will discuss in detail leadership and dominance within a pack structure and what those terms really mean from a scientific and ethology perspective.

During our dog training consultations, we delve into your training goals, dietary needs, and realistic expectations. We assess your dog’s living environment and all involved in the training process. Explaining each training phase and the equipment used, we develop a tailored plan for your dog’s needs. Our approach emphasizes leadership, dominance, and effective teaching methods. We emphasize that there’s no magic in dog training—it’s about consistency and understanding. By the session’s end, you’ll be empowered with valuable knowledge to ask informed questions and lead your furry companion to success.
(Hint: dominance is not about physical altercation or who is stronger that is all a myth. Dominance exists to lessen aggression within a pack). Proven so by David Mech in his 1999 study.

At the end of our session, you’ll grasp the fundamentals of Foundation Style Dog Training, pack structure, command hierarchy, true dominance, dog body language, and classical and operant conditioning. Dog Training at home eliminates the need for elaborate facilities, emphasizing simplicity in our approach. Phase 1 unfolds in a serene, distraction-free setting, ideally within the comfort of my living room. This quiet environment fosters optimal learning conditions for your dog’s initial training phase.