
private dog training

Dog Training Waco

Our Commitment to Openness and Clarity

Proven Methods To Dog Training Waco

Dog training is an incredibly broad term within the industry. At Species K9 Waco, dog training breaks down into 3 phases. We offer full transparency about each phase and how the training is performed. In the first phase, we teach your dog what the commands mean and how to perform them. Next, we teach them the right corrections when they make a mistake, and lastly, your dog learns how to perform commands when surrounded by distractions.
black dog jumping on snow
The Science

Behind Our Dog Training

Each of our 3 training phases is rooted in science and psychology. We use proven classical conditioning and operant conditioning to teach dogs new behaviors or modify negative behaviors.
Aggression training
LIMA Dog Training with Jared
Why Choose

Species K9 Waco?

I have yet to view another trainer’s site that explains their training in detail or posts dog training videos for examples as we do. What are they hiding? We openly share this information because our methods are not abusive or rough. Nothing happens fast when dog training. Two-week training programs are unrealistic and only serve to harm the dog-handler relationship.

Effective Dog Training Methods

The commands we teach consist of multiple small steps (shaping and chaining), so your dog is set up for success. These are the same concepts used to teach special needs children through a system called DTT, with applied behavior analysis (ABA) implementation. We set the dog and owner up for success, so they don’t get frustrated or confused about what is being asked of them. Dog training is simple, too many Waco dog trainers try to complicate it and make it more than what it is.

a dog wearing sunglasses and a scarf laying in the grass
dog laying on area rug

Supportive Training Tools

We offer an online training log, so you can track your dog’s progress, as well as supplemental training videos and step-by-step explanations of each command. With these helpful tools, you can continue working with your dog when we are not training together.
Training your dog is a lot like learning to play a musical instrument. You have to put in the time to practice between meeting with your instructor to get the best results.  This process allows you to move forward in training, spend less money, and achieve your goal sooner. We refer to this as the “ethical way of training.”

Understanding Dog Behavior

All dogs’ behaviors fit into the A-B-C behavioral model: Antecedent (cause of the behavior) Behavior (action) Consequence (how the behavior is reinforced) It is that simple. No harsh punishments, no abuse, no fighting with your dog. It results in engaged and happy dogs and owners. If you do not enjoy dog training, your dog won’t enjoy dog training.
Each of our 3 training phases is rooted in science and psychology. We use proven classical conditioning and operant conditioning to teach dogs new behaviors or modify negative behaviors.
I have yet to view another trainer’s site that explains their training in detail or posts dog training videos for examples as we do. What are they hiding? We openly share this information because our methods are not abusive or rough. Nothing happens fast when dog training. Two-week training programs are unrealistic and only serve to harm the dog-handler relationship.
The commands we teach consist of multiple small steps (shaping and chaining), so your dog is set up for success. These are the same concepts used to teach special needs children through a system called DTT, with applied behavior analysis (ABA) implementation. We set the dog and owner up for success, so they do not get frustrated or confused about what is being asked of them. Dog training is simple, too many try to complicate it and make it more than what it is.
We offer an online training log, so you can track your dog’s progress, as well as supplemental training videos and step-by-step explanations of each command. With these helpful tools, you can continue working with your dog when we are not training together. Training your dog is a lot like learning to play a musical instrument. You have to put in the time to practice between meeting with your instructor to get the best results.
This process allows you to move forward in training, spend less money, and achieve your goal sooner. We refer to this as the “ethical way of training.”
All dogs’ behaviors fit into the A-B-C behavioral model:
It is that simple. No harsh punishments, no abuse, no fighting with your dog. It results in engaged and happy dogs and owners. If you do not enjoy dog training, your dog won’t enjoy dog training.
If you want real results and to have an amazing relationship with your dog, give us a call today to schedule your consultation.