
private dog training

Misconception in Dog Training

The misconception in dog training is a trainer works with your dog and magically the dog understands all commands and obeys perfectly in a few days.  This is not how learning happens. At

12 weeks old Lago Puppy Training
Puppy Training

our still of dog training is to build the bond between the handler (owner) and dog. Training is conducted much like learning to play an instrument. We work on several commands, show you how to do them, and give you the tools needed to keep working on them when we are not together.  Next time we meet we review and move on to the next step in the training.  That is why we have a homework check-in before our next in-person meeting. This holds you as the handler/owner accountable for doing the training, so we are constantly progressing.  No matter what your end goal is for your dog, sporting dog, protection training, agility training, or just an obedient dog. It all starts with a foundation of trust and obedience.

Although it is called training, it’s really dog learning. We are teaching your dog what the words mean and how to perform them. Dogs, do not know what “Down” means we have to teach them in a loving and caring way.  As you do this the dog starts to trust you more and learns you have its best interests in mind. Dogs only know what we teach them. Let’s teach them right and fairly.

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