
private dog training

Resting Places

Within our homes dog seek to find the best resting places, the couch, a bed, the pile of laundry. I recall being at my grandparents as a kid and see their American Eskimo laying on the AC vents on the floor to stay cool.  In wild canine societies resting places can mean the difference between life and death. Sleeping in the shade or in the hot sun, resting out of the rain and wind or in the rain and wind. With this bit of understand about a dog mind set it is easy for us to understand why we see dog aggression in the home when it comes to resting places. When you dog starts to claim a human spot ie bed, couch as their own it can become a dangerous situation.  You can find all kind of statistics about dog the maturity of the ones on owners involve a resting place. I recently got a call about this.  A younger member of the house hold sat on piece of furniture where the dog was sleeping and bite the person sitting down.  The dog was not startled or scared this was about the dog claiming the space and treating the human like a dog. Always error on the side of caution, do not let your dogs sleep on the couch or human beds. You have your area they have theirs. Never to two shall meet. If you are having behavioral issues feel free to reach out.

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