
private dog training

Training a Puppy

Training a puppy is the same as training an adult dog. The only difference is the attention span of the puppy and motivation of the puppy will be less the younger the dog is.  So we start with Phase 1 of training and simply train for shorter periods with more play breaks so the puppy does not get bored with the repetition of training. The beauty of starting training young, is the training become part of the puppy’s growth. Refer to our phase 1 training page to see how it starts by marking the behavior we are trying to teach.  In the training process we are bonding with our new puppy and that builds trust for more advance training later with the dog gets older.

When to Start Training

Ideally, owners should start training their puppies 8 weeks old. This range is perfect because it is the age at which they are still impressionable but are developed enough to understand and learn commands.

What Type of Training is Best for a Young Puppy?

Owners should note that puppy training is a gradual process that requires time and patience. It is best to start your puppy off with basic command training. In additional exposing them to different environments this will help build there confidence and socialize them.

You can also take them to the vet and other places where they will become familiar with being touched or handled by new people. This is also a great time to exposing your dog to nail trimming, feet being played with, bathing, ear cleaning and brushing. If you have any question please reach out to us.


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