
private dog training

Understanding how play helps with dog training

Understanding how play helps with dog training helps us build a bond of trust with our dogs. Play can be used as a reinforcer and become a strong motivator to obey. The study below helps us understand the dynamic of playing within wolf packs. The domesticated dog shares over 99% of its DNA with a wild wolf.

Play Behavior in Wolves: Using the ‘50:50’ Rule to Test for Egalitarian Play Styles



Social play is known as a cooperative interaction between individuals involving multiple mechanisms. However, the extent to which the equality of individuals’ play styles affects the interaction has not been studied in many species. Dyadic play between wolf puppies, as well as between puppies and adults, was studied to investigate both self-handicapping and offensive behaviors to determine the extent to which wolves engage in play styles where one individual does not dominate the play. Our results did not support the hypothesized ‘50:50’ rule, which suggests that more advantaged individuals should show higher rates of self-handicapping behaviors to facilitate play with others. Adult wolves performed significantly less self-handicapping behaviors than their puppy partners, and they performed significantly more offensive behaviors than their puppy partners. While the ‘50:50’ rule was not supported at any time during our study period, dyads consisting of two puppies had significantly more equal play than dyads consisting of one puppy and one adult. These results suggest that wolf puppies are more likely to play on equal terms with similarly aged play partners, while the dominance status of the partners dictates offensive and self-handicapping behaviors between animals of different ages.

To learn more about how we use play in dog training please reach out to us.  We offer virtual training so if you are in the Austin Texas area or San Antonio looking for a dog trainer please reach out.



Jennifer L. Essler1,2*, Simona Cafazzo1
, Sarah Marshall-Pescini1,2, Zsófia Virányi1,2,
Kurt Kotrschal1,3, Friederike Range1,2
1 Wolf Science Center, Ernstbrunn, Austria, 2 Comparative Cognition, Messerli Research Institute,
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Medical University of Vienna and University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 3 Department of Behavioral Biology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


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